Policy: State Legislation

California has not built sufficient housing for its population for decades. It’s a fundamental reason our housing prices are so high and homelessness is so problematic. “Local control” is a huge contributor to our lack of housing production. It is inconvenient to live next to a construction sight. Residents quickly fight new housing being built close to them. The result is that nothing is built. Marin, due to its wealth and very small jurisdictions, has fought new construction more effectively than any other Bay Area County. We have had the lowest rate of housing production for almost 50 years.

As a result, housing costs have sky-rocketed. Due to the extreme nature of our housing crisis, the state is stepping in. MEHC is generally supportive of state laws that support housing production, preservation and protection.

Policy Advocacy

What the BAHFA?
What the BAHFA?

A short primer on affordable housing, BAHFA and BAHA, and potentially game-changing funding! Marinites overwhelmingly want more affordable housing.According to the Marin County 2023 Community Survey, it is the #1 issue that…

California State capitol
California legislative wins: a review  

Happy New Year, fellow housing nerds and policy wonks!There is a lot to catch up on! The 2023 California legislative season ended in October with record-setting housing activity, November was for…