We Need Affordable Housing Now More Than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic is a calamity on top of a crisis here in California. It brings into sharp focus our society’s inability to ensure that most basic need — safe, stable shelter for everyone. This harms us all.

The tens of thousands of people who are forced into crowded housing — or are unhoused due to the impossible cost of rent —  cannot shelter in place safely, and are at extraordinary risk from this virus. A huge percentage of renters, particularly low-income renters, have lost their jobs. According to the National Multifamily Housing Council almost a third of the nation’s renters could not pay their rent by April 1st, a problem that is only likely to increase as of May 1st.  This threatens not only their housing stability, but that of the property owners, who have mortgages to pay as well. Many of those who have retained their jobs are at a higher risk for contracting COVID-19 due to working in essential businesses, such as grocery, warehousing, delivery services, and long-term care, and this puts everyone else at risk, as well.

While we are now focusing on emergency relief for renters, homeowners, and businesses in response to the pandemic, we mustn’t lose sight of the enormous shortage of affordable housing that existed before the immediate health crisis — a problem destined to grow as the nation and our local community struggles for relief. Creating affordable housing requires a long-term vision. We need to be in this for the long haul.