Sausalito Housing Element Update 9/02/24

This newly amended housing element reduces allowable densities in downtown Sausalito, removes a requirement for permitting analysis and objective design standards, and extends a number of deadlines, and replaces a non-viable housing element site. MEHC, along with a number of pro-affordable housing organizations, wrote to HCD after the certification of the original housing element regarding concerns that the Housing Element was insufficient to create the housing needed in Sausalito. This amendment clearly weakens this already weak housing element. These amendments have not been discussed in any public meeting, and there are not any meetings planned on the topics. This amendment was preceded by an announcement of an EIR for the amended housing element, although Sausalito determined that the original housing element did not require one. MEHC is considering another letter to HCD. Please let us know if you’d like more information or are interested in joining us. View the Housing Element here.