240 Tamal Vista Blvd
In July 2024, the developers of this project submitted a SB 330 preliminary housing application for 240 senior housing units, which would be 100% deed-restricted affordable units. The original project included a 237,600 square foot structure, 74 feet in height, and 75 parking spaces. This application was determined to be inconsistent with the density limits of the general plan land use designation and zoning. The project did not qualify for unlimited density since the project site was determined to be more than 0.5 miles from a major transit stop as defined in state law.
On November 12, 2024, the applicant submitted a revised application for 99 family units (primarily 3-bedroom units with several 4-bedroom units), which would be 100% deed-restricted affordable. The project mass and scale has not changed from the original design (6-stories, 72 feet in height). The number of parking spaces provided has increased significantly from 75 to 163. The ground floor includes a parking garage, lobby, leasing office, amenity space, and additional ancillary uses. The second floor includes a parking garage with a handful of residential units on the eastern side of the building facing Tamal Vista Boulevard. Floors three through six include residential units, which are a mix of 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom units that range in size from 1,080 square feet to 1,330 square feet. The applicant is requesting a variety of concessions and waivers (including height), which is allowed under state density bonus law. .
City Planning Link