What the BAHFA?
A short primer on affordable housing, BAHFA and BAHA, and potentially game-changing funding! Marinites overwhelmingly want more affordable housing.According to the Marin County 2023 Community Survey, it is the #1 issue that Marinites would like our local governments to address. But how can we build more affordable housing? And what does this have to do with the…
A Primer on Affordable Housing
There have always been portions of the population unable to afford market rate housing. At one time, the government directly financed, owned and managed housing projects for these populations, commonly referred to as public housing. While the government still manages some housing projects it often doesn’t do a good job at this – just look…
California legislative wins: a review
Happy New Year, fellow housing nerds and policy wonks!There is a lot to catch up on! The 2023 California legislative season ended in October with record-setting housing activity, November was for equal parts pats-on-the-back and wound-licking, and December was the time to rest and get ready to start the maddening but addictingly fun process all over…