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What is Proposition 5?

The affordable housing shortage is the number one issue Marinites want the government to confront. Prop 5 empowers Marin voters to approve bonds for affordable homes, critical public infrastructure, and emergency response with a 55% vote, giving Marin a necessary tool for fixing our affordable housing crisis. PROP 5 WILL ENABLE US TO ADDRESS MARIN’S…

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West Marin Report: 1,000 New Homes Needed

We are experiencing a housing crisis in Marin County. West Marin faces unique obstacles. MCF funded a community research study to learn more about the living conditions and needs for residents and workers in West Marin. The West Marin Housing Solutions report was thorough, and one finding stood out: West Marin needs at least 1,000 affordable…

Tenant Protection Measures in Marin
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Tenant Protection Measures in Marin

Marin’s housing shortage continues to inflict severe hardships on families and local workers struggling to maintain their access to schools, jobs, and other important resources.  Behind statistics describing the long-standing housing crisis for Bay Area renters are their stories about painful damage inflicted by our regional shortage of affordable housing: Despite some signs the rental market…

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Sausalito Housing Element Update 9/02/24

This newly amended housing element reduces allowable densities in downtown Sausalito, removes a requirement for permitting analysis and objective design standards, and extends a number of deadlines, and replaces a non-viable housing element site. MEHC, along with a number of pro-affordable housing organizations, wrote to HCD after the certification of the original housing element regarding concerns…

Housing and Environment: It’s not either/or
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Housing and Environment: It’s not either/or

Marin’s history of environmental protection is our defining pride. Yet our development practices are fundamentally anti-environmental. Our history of environmental protection is Marin County’s defining pride. Outside narrow strips along Highways 1 and 101, rolling green hills rise and fall, mostly undisturbed by development, before meeting the brooding beauty of miles of untouched coastline. Compare this image with…

Community Land Trusts
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Community Land Trusts

Community Land TrustsTaking the cost of land out of the cost of housing, by Tom McCafferty, MEHC board member; Community Land Trust Association of West Marin (CLAM) Project Manager Marin can ensure long-term affordability and enhance communities by utilizing the Community Land Trust model. In an era of escalating home prices and stagnant wages, finding affordable housing…

Housing Elements Update
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Housing Elements Update

RHNA Tracking and Housing Element ImplementationJurisdictions will need significant resources to meet commitments Marin’s 6th Housing Element Cycle officially kicked off Jan 31, 2024. Although several Marin cities and towns are still finalizing their housing elements, all jurisdictions must still take action to meet their state housing goals (RHNA, the Regional Housing Needs Allocation). Every April, each jurisdiction…

Housing and Traffic
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Housing and Traffic

HOUSING AND TRAFFIC: Growth restrictions have displaced workers by Warren Wells We’ve all heard that California, and Marin in particular, are facing a severe housing crisis. Home values and apartment rents keep rising, leading owners to cash out and renters to be pushed out. We’ve heard from politicians that we need to build more to keep…