San Rafael’s Northgate Mall Redevelopment Will Provide 1,400 New Residences

San Rafael has a project proposed that would create up to 1,400 new residences — some of which would be ownership opportunities and some affordable for rent. This is the Northgate mall redevelopment, also known as the Northgate Town Square project. Here are our thoughts prior to the July 18th Design Review Meeting:

  • Mixed-use development at appropriate height and density, as proposed in this project, are essential for meeting our housing needs, fostering social and economic equity, and promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The current version of the plan has significantly improved internal pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle circulation. We support these changes.
  • When would the connection to SMARTY be developed and what will the project contribute to the connection?
  • Internal circulation can be significantly improved with the with raised crosswalks, also called pedestrian tables, particularly around the perimeter of the Town Square and at intersections around the residential areas of the project
  • This project is overparked. Areas of the site should be put in a landscape reserve that can be converted to parking if subsequent conditions warrant.
  • Concerned about parking proposed adjacent to the Town Square. This seems completely unnecessary given that there is a parking structure immediately adjacent to the proposed theater.