Core Beliefs

MEHC members have a strong commitment to helping to create environmentally friendly affordable housing (EFAH) in Marin County.  To do that, MEHC holds the following beliefs:

  1. Marin needs more housing options for a individuals and families with a variety of income levels, especially for those who work in Marin’s retail, health care and service sectors, and for our seniors and persons with disabilities.
  2. The greatest need for affordable housing is for low and very low income families and individuals.  Moderate-income units, while needed, are close to market rate in price and may be developable without subsidies.
  3. Affordable housing should be developed at infill and mixed-use locations where minimal or no adverse environmental impacts would occur.
  4. Affordable housing should be located near jobs, transit, and other services.
  5. Communities in Marin are interconnected and as such, planning for affordable housing needs to occur in a regional context.
  6. Affordable housing needs a variety of public policy tools , including appropriately zoned sites, and funding on a local, state and federal level.